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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Will Facebook Replace Company Websites?

This week while searching the web and reading up on some hot topics I came across a story that really caught my attention. I had recently been telling people how much I am using Facebook for learning purposes for grad school. Many in disbelief that I was actually doing homework on Facebook, I thought the information in this story would be something that those who aren't in the "education biz" could relate to.

In the past, Facebook had always just been a pastime for me; a way to stay connected to my friends from college and high school. Now, I am starting to believe that social networks are the next big wave for not only keeping in touch with others, but also have benefits for education, businesses, and institutions as well.

I thought is was especially interesting to read the part about the statistics on how many people visit Facebook and "like" an advertisement (hence reading/learning about it) compared to how many people actually visit the company websites. It is crazy to think how big of a difference it can make when comparing companies using Facebook to advertise to those that do not.

Though Facebook is not allowed on our district network, and it cannot be accessed on school grounds, my high school students have used it in many ways that relate to my classroom and lessons. The kids share photos for the yearbook, have discussions over homework, and recently they started a Facebook group for members of the yearbook staff to check in on deadlines! SO COOL! They have done it completely on their own, and it is something I have never been a part of (since I do not "friend" students). How neat is it that they have this tool available to them?!

What do you think about social networks being used to replace company websites? How about the use of Facebook in educational situations?


  1. I just got into a debated with someone this week about Facebook. Her theory was the Univ. could block and maybe should block Facebook, yadda, yadda, yadda..

    I laughed and said, Really..will you better tell the University to drop it's facebook page that Admissions uses to recruit students and the one that the Alumni Assoc. uses to drum-up money and oh, yes, don't forget to tell the professors to quit using it for class assignments.

    Bottom line is Facebook is no longer a taboo application and merely soical networkin app it is a way of doing business and here to stay.

  2. Linkedin is really what we use to network as most of us prefer not to have some of our personal stuff in the corporate world...but you know it happens ...I just mean directly.

  3. I believe facebook has grown over the years to a useful, almost necessary tool. Sure I can keep in touch with family and friends, but I also learn about current events, what technology is being released, how to get it for a bargain price and get first hand reviews of items. It is just so much more now, and many people have learned how to use it appropriately and it should no longer be taboo.

  4. I don't know if FB will completely replace the company webpages, but I know for sure that I visit more business/company pages on FB rather than the actual website. I like having everything I need in one place for me to access and check out.

  5. I agreed Lindsay that that is what is the BEST thing about Facebook! I think (like that video said at the beginning of the semester)that Facebook has made many people a better multi- tasker.

    I have to admit, I just got a message (on Facebook) from The Lmited reminding me I had a coupon to use; you better believe that marketing picth worked!

  6. Free Marketing, who isn't going to snap that opportunity up in this economy? I agree Facebook is a link in most social communications business, school or friends and family. I just read this article about using Facebook as a platform for selling digital movies:;lst;1

  7. I have a few of my favorite companies on FB. Although I never enter any of their giveaways I love seeing whatever's new and since I am also a crafter, the inspiration. For example I love Anthropologie. I make a bee line for the sales rack but goodness, that store is beautiful! I can be there for hours and just look and feel everything. I'm not sure if it'll replace company websites but it's a great marketing tool!

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