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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Hello to All!

Well, here we are again! Some of you I know from past UCM online classes, however some names look unfamiliar. Whoever you are, it is very nice to meet you! I am anxious for this class to get rolling, as I have heard it is one of the most beneficial of our program.

For those of you who do not know me yet, I am 27, married to a great guy named Ryan, and have been a teacher for 3 years. I teach high school Communication Arts and Journalism (11th and 12th grade) for Fort Zumwalt South High School in St. Louis, Missouri. I am also the yearbook adviser for the high school, which entails publishing a 300 page book every school year! It was one of the strings attached for me to get the job, but honestly, I am SO GLAD I do it; my students are great! Next year I am starting back up our school newspaper! Crazy I know! I do not have kiddos yet, but they are planned for in the near future. With what little free time I have, I love to run, lay by the pool, and redecorate my house (it drives my husband nuts).

Since I am a Communication Arts teacher, most of the books I read are adolescent literature books (high school level). My favorite book of all time is The Glass Castle; which I discovered in the curriculum the first year of my teaching. It is a memoir written by a woman that had far from an average childhood, but overcame obstacles in life to make something of herself. My students absolutely love this book, and every adult I have loaned it to can't get enough. Last year around this time, I was lucky enough to meet Jeannette Walls, the author, and the experience really made me connect that much more to her story.

You can find out more about The Glass Castle at:

Also, a great interview with the author at:

As far as the topic on if people still read or not; SURE THEY DO! The WAY people read is what has changed. In the past few years so many new ways to read have arisen (eReaders, online magazines and newspapers, online articles, blogs, etc.) but the idea of reading itself is still thriving. Reading is one of the best ways of escapism, and we all know that is needed every now and then.


  1. Hey Jamie!! Glad to see we have another class together. I totally agree with your idea the people are still reading it is just the "how" that has changed...very well put.

  2. It is good to see you in another class. I think that it is great that you are getting your masters finished before you have your children. Good for you!

  3. Wow, you're sure busy at school!! Great observation on how people read too! Oh, great photo too :)

  4. True, reading has changed format. We all read just new varieties of text.

  5. The school newspaper will be fun! I was the Features Editor in HS and LOVED it. It's just about all I really remember about HS. You'll be busy at first teaching them how to do it all but then you can sit back and watch them do it all!! haha

  6. Great comments. I will have to check out the book Glass Castle for my students. I currently do our Middle School Newspaper entirely online using I like it enough, but if you put to much on it, it really takes a long time to view.
